Quad VC Envelope Generator
ENA II is here folks! 🍉 The second incarnation of MM’s Quad EG is a condensate sound sculpting 📉 and modulation powerhouse. Have CVs over almost all parameters even over additional advanced functions -although it stays in 8hp size !
Four independent VC Envelope Generators
-A/R with looping 🔁 mode (speeds until audible rate)
CV over Depth (velocity-like feature)
CV applies also when the EG is in loop ➰ mode -therefore acting like LFO’s depth CV
-Two independent Decay EG w/
CVs over both decaying times
Selectable max. time as well as curve responses for both decays
Trigger/Gate configurable
-ADSR w/ voltage controls over all four parameters as well as over overall time between the stages via Time CV
Advanced loop 🔂 modes:
Endless repeats (LFO-like) or loop starting from the incoming gate (loops during the gate presence)
Time CV as well as other 4 CV parameters are applicable when EG is looping thus allowing to create ratchetings and burst behaviors, Sustain CV for ex. will modulate the LFO's shape..
ADSR has selectable curve, LIN/EXP as well
Range of under 1 mSec to over 10 Seconds
EGs inputs are ‘normalled’ in cascaded way: all 4 can answer to the same gate, by pair for ex. or each EG to its gate individually ✔️
Keeps its straightforward design - no encoders, holding buttons, 📖 manuals, etc. - just patching & sound sculpting ✔️